The AMERICAN CANDY is a Brooklyn based sketch comedy show created by Hollie Harper. Along with a multicultural team of writers The AMERICAN CANDY uses humor to tell the stories of some of the most pressing topics and current events of the world but is also rooted in good storytelling with strong comedic timing. The AMERICAN CANDY has built a strong following through its stage performances over the past 6 years the show has now been adapted into a live television sketch comedy show. The AMERICAN CANDY is produced as a studio audience show shot at the Manhattan Center in NYC. Each episode presents a live in studio sketch, two remote sketches and a comedic musical act. Musical comedy is a formidable feature of the show, think SNL’s lonely Island Crew. Each episode is 30 minutes in length, shot on HD ENG cameras and switched live, while the remotes are shot sitcom style. The appeal of The AMERICAN CANDY is rooted in the use of humor to explain and understand the differences in humanity it pokes fun at politics and pop culture like nothing else. The AMERICAN CANDY does not just make fun of a subject, it exposes why fun should be made of it. Through comedy it answers questions that we all have or want to ask but don’t have the balls to. All subjects are fair game no matter how sweet or sour that is The American Candy.